Cordlife Group Limited - Annual Report 2016 - page 5

Cordlife Group Limited
Annual Report 2016
Cordlife places utmost importance in growing its scope
to deliver quality products and services to its clients.
The Group introduced cord lining banking, the rst
complementary service outside its core cord blood
banking service in November 2009 for India market and
subsequently in March 2011 for Hong Kong market.
Building on this focus, the service was subsequently
offered to parents in Singapore and the Philippines
in 2013. Today, this service is offered by all Cordlife
subsidiaries including Indonesia and Malaysia. The
Group also sub-licensed the service to China Cord Blood
Corporation (“CCBC”), the largest cord blood bank
operator in China.
Buoyed by positive responses for its cord blood banking
and cord lining banking businesses, Cordlife continued
its focus on developing the scope of complementary
offerings. The rst diagnostics service launched was
Metascreen, an advanced Non-Invasive Metabolic
Screening test for newborn babies. Metascreen was
rst launched in India in 2013 and subsequently in Hong
Kong, the Philippines and Indonesia in 2014. Thereafter,
the Group also launched a Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing
service, which analyses foetal DNA in a mother’s blood
to screen for foetal chromosomal abnormalities and
Eyescreen, which enables the early detection of vision
problems in children.
By placing emphasis on quality, Cordlife has grown to
become a dominant private cord blood bank operator
in Asia. Accreditation and certi cation of its quality
system by external quality bodies help give families and
physicians the assurance that cord blood and cord lining
units stored with Cordlife will be processed and stored in
accordance with the highest standards.
The Group’s processing and storage facilities in Hong
Kong, India and Singapore are accredited by AABB,
the world’s gold standard in cord blood banking and its
facilities in Indonesia and the Philippines are also ISO-
certi ed. In November 2015, Cordlife Singapore achieved
accreditation by FACT-Netcord, making it one of only six
cord blood banks in the world to achieve accreditations
from both AABB and FACT-Netcord simultaneously.
Cordlife is a trailblazer in the cord blood banking and
cord lining banking industry, having achieved several
milestones in the past years. One of them includes being
the rst few cord blood banks in Singapore, Hong Kong
and the Philippines to establish a successful cord blood
release track record, a validation of the Group’s quality
standards. Cordlife was also the rst few companies in
Asia to progress into using fully automated systems for
cord blood processing. These are just a few milestones
that demonstrate Cordlife’s commitment to deliver client-
centric outcomes.
On investor relations front, Cordlife’s efforts have earned
them the Runner-up position for the 16th SIAS Investors’
Choice Award at the Singapore Corporate Governance
Award (SCGA) 2015 under the Mid and Small Category.
They also received a Merit Award under the “Best
Investor Relations” category at the Singapore Corporate
Awards in 2013. Adding to that, Cordlife was titled the
“Most Transparent Company” in the Retail & Household
Goods and the Mainboard Small Caps Category at the
14th SIAS Investors’ Choice Awards in 2013.
From business aspect, Cordlife was selected from 17,000
companies in Asia and named as one of the Best “Under
A Billion” companies by Forbes Asia in 2015. Other
recent accolades awarded to Cordlife by the industry
comprise “My Favourite Cord Blood Bank” by Hong Kong
Economic Times; 2014 “Most Popular Stem Cell Bank
Reader’s Choice” by Child Magazine; 2013-2014 “MyBB
Parent-Child Favourite Cord Blood and Umbilical Cord
Bank Company”, 2015 “Most Popular Stem Cell Bank
Reader’s Choice” by Child Magazine; and 2014-2015
“MyBB Parent-Child Favourite Cord Blood”.
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