Cordlife Group Limited - Annual Report 2016 - page 2

Back To Basics
Through our years of experience and foundation
building, we have established our distinguished
brand name as a consumer healthcare company
dedicated to serving the needs of the mother
and child segment. We remain committed to our
values to drive sustainable growth for all our
While we continuously grow and expand our scope of products and
services, we stay true to our core – which is the very basic reason
why we are in this business – that is to serve the needs of mother
and child. ‘Back to Basics’, this theme re-enforces our determination
and strategies to grow together with our stakeholders, which form
the foundation of who and what we are.
Cordlife Group Limited is a consumer
healthcare company that serves the needs of
mother and child. We deliver the highest level
of quality standards in service and product
offerings. We maximise all stakeholders’ value
by engaging all employees to enable the Group
to achieve its fullest potential.
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