Cordlife Group Limited - Annual Report 2016 - page 4

Corporate Profile
Cordlife Group Limited
Annual Report 2016
Cordlife Group Limited
(“Cordlife”, together
with its subsidiaries,
the “Group”) is a
consumer healthcare
company catering to
the mother and child
Cordlife Group Limited (“Cordlife”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”)
is a consumer healthcare company catering to the mother and child segment.
Established in May 2001 and successfully listed on the Mainboard of Singapore
Exchange Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) in 2012, the Group is one of the pioneers
in the cord blood banking industry in Asia.
Cordlife is amongst the leading players for private cord blood banking services
in all the markets it operates in, namely Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India,
Indonesia and the Philippines. Inhabiting a distinctive niche in the healthcare
industry, the Group is one of the foremost private cord blood banks to have
gained a solid foothold in Asia. In the last 15 years, Cordlife has dedicated
its undertakings to achieve market leadership in the industry. Having built a
distinguished brand name, the Group continues to strive for excellence by
means of support from its experienced management team, dynamic key
executives along with its quality product and service offerings. Cordlife
believes the Group has in place a strong foundation for future expansion.
The Group understands a unique and memorable brand will help to create
a long-term and sustainable position in the marketplace. Hence, creating
brand and market awareness is a fundamental practice in sustaining the
Group’s growth in scale. This year, the Group has invested significantly
in various educational campaigns in all its operating markets such as the
hosting of talks to educate families about the importance of storing their
children’s cord blood and cord lining as well as the need for early screening
of metabolic disorders in newborns.
Cordlife’s belief in delivering quality product and services
continues to hold strong as one of the Group’s values
and its promise to clients by aiming to have all facilities
accredited by AABB, FACT-Netcord or ISO. The Group
is also one of the rst private cord blood banks in Asia
to release cord blood units for transplants, and for the
treatment of cerebral palsy as well as for other therapeutic
uses. As of June 2016, Cordlife Group and subsidiaries
have released over 500 stem cell units that were used
successfully to support transplants and therapies.
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