Cordlife Group Limited - Annual Report 2016 - page 11

Cordlife Group Limited
Annual Report 2016
parents, doctors and other healthcare professionals
and healthcare institutions. We need to understand their
needs better, beyond cord blood banking and to create
greater awareness within members of this network of the
possibilities and potential of new products and services
that bene t them.
Rationalise Business Operations
We have started rationalising various business operations
to drive operational and cost ef ciencies. One of the key
changes implemented includes giving more autonomy
and introducing new incentive plans to the country
heads and key management of various markets to drive
both top and bottom line growth.
Expansion in the Region
We continue to be on the lookout for new opportunities to
expand our business both in scale and scope. We work
towards expanding our presence in the Asian markets as
we believe that there are still good growth opportunities
in the region. Backed by a strong cash position, we are
in an excellent position to explore potential mergers and
Strong Management Team
On April 12, 2016, the Company had announced the
appointment of Ms Tan Poh Lan, who has 30 years of
experience in the private and public healthcare sectors,
as the Group Chief Operating Of cer. She is a key
reinforcement to our team and she has the expertise,
acumen and leadership skills to drive our Group to
greater operational excellence.
Many of our key management team and staff have been
with the Group for more than 10 years and I am happy
to note that they remain deeply excited and passionate
about the Group’s businesses and future development.
The various key business strategies of the Group can only
be executed successfully with a team that is anchored
on the right values and beliefs with the right blend of
experience, diversity and energy. I am happy to note that
this team is largely in place and we are well poised to
bring the Group forward.
FY2016 has been a busy year for the Group but much more
remains to be done. On behalf of the Board of Directors,
I would like to thank all our clients and business partners
for their support, and our management and staff for their
dedication and contribution. We also wish to express our
sincere appreciation to you, our shareholders, for your
faith in the Group as we forge ahead.
Executive Director and Group Chief Executive Of cer
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