Cordlife Group Limited - Annual Report 2016 - page 15

Cordlife Group Limited
Annual Report 2016
In India, the team (“Cordlife India”) continued to expand their operations in the country rapidly in order to extend their
reach to more families. The aim is to cater to the growing demand from the burgeoning middle class families that are
increasingly aware of the need for pre-emptive healthcare.
Cordlife India also ramped up brand awareness through various marketing initiatives including holding hospital
antenatal programs in the North, South and East regions, including Mumbai. These antenatal programs allowed the
team to engage expectant mothers on a more intimate level and provided the opportunity to inform these mothers on
the bene ts of the products and services offered by Cordlife. As part of the Group’s brand strategy to enhance our
professional brand image, Cordlife India actively engaged key obstetrics and gynaecology specialists to speak at many
consumer events. During the year, the team also re ned their digital marketing strategy to improve the digital touch
points with existing and prospective clients. These initiatives include the development of a Cordlife mobile app to offer
general pregnancy tips as well as the latest news and promotions offered by Cordlife India.
The team in Indonesia (“Cordlife Indonesia”) continued to widen their geographical presence in the existing markets. In
October 2015, Cordlife Indonesia expanded their operations into Sumatra and opened a branch of ce in Medan to serve
the locals as well as the communities in neighbouring Batam and Palembang cities. The expansion complements Cordlife
Indonesia’s existing operations in Indonesia, which include three of ces in the Java Island, with the main of ce and laboratory
facility based in Jakarta and another two branch of ces located in Surabaya and Bandung.
Cordlife Indonesia also added NIPT to their service offerings to increase revenue. As part of their market penetration
strategy to accelerate brand awareness, Cordlife Indonesia marketed through their existing market channels initially
and then reached out to key opinion leaders by engaging them during events such as Birth Defect Centre Workshop.
As at June 2016, NIPT was successfully made available in 13 key hospitals in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung.
Over in the Philippines, the team (“Cordlife Philippines”) made headway with the opening of a branch of ce in Cebu
- our rst step outside of Manila, strengthening our nationwide footprint. Cebu is the second largest metropolis in
Philippines and also the economic hub of Southern Philippines. Housed in an upscale commercial centre, the new
Cebu of ce is strategically located within close proximity to the two largest hospitals in the province as a gateway to
reach out to more potential clients.
Targeted marketing efforts such as leveraging on our strong relationships with key obstetrics and gynaecology specialists
in the Philippines and engaging our existing and prospective client base for referrals, have gained good traction. In turn,
this led to an increase in the sales of the Group’s higher value banking plans and NIPT in recent months. Aligned to the
Group’s ongoing efforts to increase awareness of our banking and diagnostics services, Cordlife presented information
on cord blood and cord lining banking as well as NIPT services at one of the most important medical conferences in the
region, the Chong Hua Hospital OBGYN Post-Graduate Course.
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