Cordlife Group Limited - Annual Report 2016 - page 23

Cordlife Group Limited
Annual Report 2016
Corporate Social Responsibility
Over the years, Cordlife has been
actively supporting charitable
and volunteering activities as
we believe corporate social
responsibility can be productively
coupled with sound strategies to
advance goodwill while building a
sustainable business.
While Cordlife takes pride in being a proactive educator
and promoter to encourage public health awareness in
the society, the Group also believes in giving back to the
society. Wherever Cordlife operates, we make a conscious
effort to create a positive impact to the community. The
spirit of giving is well embraced by the Group and is an
integral part of the corporate culture.
Over the years, Cordlife has been actively supporting
charitable and volunteering activities as we believe
corporate social responsibility can be productively
coupled with sound strategies to advance goodwill while
building a sustainable business.
National Day Celebration at AWWA School
in Singapore
On August 8, 2016, Cordlife participated in an event
organised by AWWA, which was held in conjunction
with Singapore’s 51
National Day celebration. AWWA
is a local non-pro t organisation offering community-
based programmes and services to families, elderly,
children and young people since 1970. The AWWA
School serves students with special needs and aims
to provide these students with education and support
services in a holistic and nurturing environment. During
the event, our employees assisted in the packing and
distribution of goody bags to children with disabilities.
Such volunteering activities helped to reinforce the spirit
of giving within the organisation as we seek to contribute
further to the betterment of our local communities.
Cordlife-Jalan Kayu Preschool Head-Start Fund
in Singapore
The Cordlife-Jalan Kayu Preschool Head-Start Fund
was established in 2015 to help children from needy
families living in the Jalan Kayu community receive
pre-school education. Of cially launched by Singapore
Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Cordlife pledged a
donation of S$50,000 per annum for three years until
2017. We strongly believe preschool education can help
these needy children have an equal head-start in their
learning journey.
#ScreenForACause Campaign in Philippines
In collaboration with two local paediatric government
hospitals; National Children’s Hospital and Philippines
Children’s Medical Centre, the Group launched
, our rst ever corporate social
responsibility campaign with Metascreen services.
As a consumer healthcare company, we have a deep
interest in the well-being of every individual’s health. We
recognise there are many families who are challenged
to provide basic healthcare to their children. Through
, these underprivileged families
were given fully subsidised comprehensive metabolic
screening tests for newborns and babies up to six
months old.
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