Cordlife Group Limited - Annual Report 2015 - page 48

Principle 14: Shareholder Rights
Principle 15: Communication with the Shareholders
The Company strives for timeliness and transparency in its disclosures to the shareholders and the public and is also
committed to gathering the views of its shareholders and to address their concerns, where possible. In addition to
the regular dissemination of information through SGXNET on a timely basis, the Company also responds to enquiries
from investors, analysts, fund managers and the press. An external investor relations firm, Financial PR, has also been
appointed to address such enquiries.
The CEO and/or CFO meets with investors, fund managers and analysts and attends relevant investor roadshows
regularly to gather feedback and understand their views on the Company.
The Company does not practise selective disclosure as all price-sensitive information is always released timely through
SGXNET for the information of all shareholders. In the event of any inadvertent disclosure made to a selected group,
the Company makes the same disclosure publicly to all others as soon as practicable via SGXNET and through any
other practicable means including the use of Internet websites.
Principle 16: Conduct of Shareholders Meetings
The AGM is the principal forum for dialogue and interaction with all shareholders. The Board welcomes shareholders
to voice their views and ask the Board questions regarding the Company and the Group at the AGM. A shareholder
who is entitled to attend and vote at the AGM may either vote in person or vote by proxy by sending in the
instrument of proxy at least forty-eight hours before the time of the general meeting. The Company also allows
shareholders who hold shares through their CPF approved nominees to attend the AGM as observers.
The chairmen of the Board Committees and key management personnel are invited to attend the AGM of the
Company and are present and available to address questions at general meetings. In addition, the external auditors
of the Company are also present to address shareholders’ queries about the conduct of the audit and the preparation
and content of the auditor’s report.
Each item of special business included in the notice of the meeting will be accompanied by an explanation of the
effects of a proposed resolution. Unless the resolutions proposed at a meeting are interdependent and linked so as to
form one significant proposal, separate resolutions shall be proposed for substantially separate issues at the meeting.
All the resolutions that are put to the vote at the forthcoming AGM would be voted on by poll and the detailed
results of the poll will be released to the public via SGXNET.
The Company will also prepare minutes of general meetings that include substantial comments or queries from
shareholders and responses from the Board and Management, and will make such minutes or notes available to
shareholders upon their request.
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